Author Archives: WJ MacGuffin

First artwork

We have begun working on art for Triune. Of course, we have to do this on the cheap because 1) small press publishers like us don’t have a lot of startup cash, and 2) we really are cheap. Here’s an example of an enforcement officer just after a raid on a Buddhist temple. The other

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Cyborg bugs and ant cameras

This interesting article from the EE Times describes how DARPA (Defense Advance Research Projects Agency) is working on creating cyborg bugs. They’re implanting tiny electric/mechanical devices to use insects for reconnaissance in places too dangerous or hard to reach for soldiers. Some of the gear in Triune is similar. In fact, we coined a term to

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New Quickstarter for Triune

After being thoroughly edited for even more gaming goodness, the latest version of the Triune Quickstarter is available for free! The quickstarter has all the information necessary to play Triune: A brief intro to the setting, character generation, and the barebones rules. This is and will always be free to download. Help yourself! The upcoming

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Druids outside of D&D?

As this article explains, Britain is now officially recognizing druids as a faith with the same legitimacy as Christians, Jews, and Muslims. (Which begs the question: Should we capitalize the ‘d’ in ‘druids’ now?) Good for you, neo-pagan hippies of the UK! (I kid! I kid because I don’t understand.) Triune uses six religions as

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Calling All Religious Gamers!

Happy Bishop Games is getting close to finishing the first draft of its rpg Triune. The game uses real religions as character classes and ties super powers into said religions as prayers. For example, a character with levels in Christianity can use a prayer called Power of the Holy Spirit to lesses the effect of

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Goodbye, Digitali

Early on in the process of writing Triune, we had a neat idea: sub-sentient software called digitali that acted like capable pets. For example, the Domo breed would run your home: Regulate temperature, order food, record your shows, announce visitors, that sort of thing. Everyone would have several digitali, like Ebenezers to control your finances

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128 Pages so far!

We just took a look at the length of the Triune Players’ Rulebook in MS Word. It’s at 128 pages! Not sure how that will translate when we publish in PDF and physical formats, but it’s still impressive to us. Oh, and that’s without artwork. We’re putting together a nice-sized value for customers!

Forums are GO!

Thanks to some timely and clever help from my friend Joseph, the forums are back up! We had to uninstall the old forum plugin and install a new one, but we were able to access the old posts and repost them in the new forums. (That’s why all the old posts are dated today and

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