After a long time of editing, re-editing, figuring out how to use InDesign, sleeping, and more editing, Happy Bishop Games is proud to announce the release of its first product: The Chrysalis Revolt 2709-2710.
Chrysalis Revolt started as an entry to the 2008 GameChef competition. GameChef is a contest where people design complete roleplaying games within a few weeks (yes, weeks) using a specific set of “ingredients”. In 2008, the competition used art as its ingredients–all games submitted for the contest had to revolve around a set of artwork created for the contest. We chose the wonderful art of Brandon James Young, an official Friend of the Happy Bishop, and built a game around those images.
The game is a parlor narration style roleplaying game. Instead of using minis and battlemats, you make up stories as you play the game. Players can challenge each other to take over the story and move closer to victory. A deck of cards is used to add some elements of strategy and luck to the game.
Happy Bishop Games is offering this game for free. Why? It’s a small game and very unique. Plus, we’re hoping to increase traffic to our website and generate some buzz for our upcoming release of Triune RPG.
We hope you enjoy our game, and we’d love to hear your comments. Here at this website, you’ll find forums where you can talk about Chrysalis Revolt and ask questions about the rules, setting, art, or what have you. Have fun!