Finally, after many months of hard work, the Outlive Outdead Companion has been released! It is available now on DriveThruRPG for $12.99, which gives you five adventures for Outlive Outdead; six human and six zombie pregens for each adventure (a total of 60 characters!); new equipment for different time periods; and a bevy of new talents and capabilities. It’s 204 pages–nearly twice as long as the original rulebook–and available as a PDF. A softcover POD version is under review and should be available in a few days.
Many thanks to the fine designers who helped make this project a reality: Paul Baldowski, Steven Roman-Torres, and Stephen Whitehead. You guys rock!
As always, we are looking for folks to review our latest product. If you are willing to give an honest review, send me an email and we’ll get you a copy for free!