As we said earlier, our game Teilhard’s Agents is on hiatus. It should be a big game (big as in scope and size), and we don’t have the time or resources to produce that game right now. Instead, we are working on a new game: One by One.
One by One is a survival horror storytelling rpg. As with the gameĀ Fiasco, players take turns creating scenes and building a story. But instead of focusing on a crime involving people with poor impulse control, One by One focuses on a monster stalking the characters, killing them off one by one.
Some of the key features of our new game include:
- Different settings and monsters. Struggle to escape Mythos creatures in 1920’s New England, a serial killer in a 1980’s summer camp, or an alien creature aboard a spaceship trying to reach Earth.
- Strong narrative control. When it is your turn, you frame the scene. Everyone playing in the scene can add details and shape the direction, but it is your scene–you can decide if new details are irrelevant or off-topic.
- The Crisis. All games start halfway through the story. No struggling to decide where to go–you’re already in the story!
- Flashbacks: While you will create scenes that move the story forward, you can also create flashback scenes that can impact the future. Does your character need a gun? Use a flashback to give her one!
- One by one, characters are killed off until there is only one survivor. (But because you can play flashback scenes, you are never out of the game.)
One by One is currently in the early stages of production.