Yesterday, we launched our Kickstarter campaign for the Outlive Outdead Companion. Today, one of our rewards is half gone already!
For those who didn’t read yesterday’s announcement, the Outlive Outdead Companion is a collection of five adventures for the Outlive Outdead rpg, each set in its own time period: Stone Age, Arthurian England, Jacobean Scotland, Prohibition-era USA, and future Earth.
Our highest reward level is called Zombie Without Time, and besides providing a hardcover copy of the book, a PDF copy, and five themed rewards, the backer picks a time period and I will write a bonus adventure exclusively for that backer’s copy! To save me from being inundated with adventures to write, we limited the number of these rewards to four.
And less than a day later, two backers have chosen Zombie Without Time. That means there’s only two more of these left!
So, if you want an exclusive adventure set in the time of your choosing, don’t wait–get involved now!