In the past few posts, I’ve described my experience playing games at GenCon from a designer’s perspective. Here’s something different–the experience of a GM running Triune at GenCon that’s not my own.
Jonathan (libraryrpgamer at aol dot com) is a buddy of mine who agreed to run Triune at GenCon. He played Triune before but never ran it, so it was interesting to me to see how his game would turn out. I believe his post-action report speaks well of Triune.
Happy post-GenCon and welcome back to the real world. Here is
my update on the game I ran for you.I had 4 people – 3 had event tickets, 1 used generic tickets.
Ups- Everyone liked the system. It was simple and all caught
on quickly. I only had to explain it once. One commented that
it was a system that allowed for intense character RPing and
that she liked that. Everyone also thought that the setting
was unique and like the idea of a cold war between heaven and
hell. Although, people were a little fuzzy with the details of
the setting. This included various tech levels, the full time
line, and the differences between common public knowledge and
top-secret/enforcer knowledge. But again, everyone got it with
a little explanation.Downs – There was a lot of material to cover in the Underground
Light adventure and, basically, I started running out of time
and had to crunch the last scene. Actually, time was the
biggest/only issue. Triune is such a unique setting and rules
that it took some time to explain and go over each and every
clue. I reccomend that Underground Light be given a 6hr time
slot in the future for con games.Summary – everybody had fun, enjoyed playing the Hell side,
thought the setting was a blast and unique but, because of the
player’s superb involvement with the game and puzzeling over
every clue we ran out of time and had to rush the end. All in
all, good times.
Jonathan ran Triune using the One-Sided playstyle, where all the PCs worked as enforcement officers but secretly worked for Hell. I prefer the Competitive playstyles, where all the PCs have different secret agendas that conflict, but I know some people prefer the Traditional playstyle that provides a gameplay experience more in-line with traditional cooperative rpgs. This is one reason why we are proud of Triune–there’s three very different ways to play the game!
If you have any questions for Jonathan about running Triune, feel free to contact him. (Again, that’s libraryrpgamer at aol dot com.) He’s not only a nice guy, but he’s well-versed in roleplaying games and quite intelligent.
Thanks again, Jonathan!