What Enforcers enforce

In Triune, players take roles as enforcement officers, a.k.a. enforcers. But what do they enforce? Why, the Treaty of Pavonis Station of course!

In the Triune universe, humanity went to war with Heaven and Hell. In the end, there was a stalemate and all three signed a peace treaty at Pavonis Station, a large space station in orbit above Pavonis III. To get an idea of what enforcers do, here are some excerpts from the treaty:

From the various authorities of man in its universe, collectively engaged in union as the Economic Hegemony of Authorities, the various authorities of angel in its universe, collectively engaged in union as the Armies of Heaven, and the various authorities of devil in its universe, collectively engaged in union as the Armies of Hell;

Whereas the Armies of Heaven and the Armies of Hell, engaged in war against each other and, upon access to the universe of man, having engaged in war against the Hegemony to secure man’s allegiance against the other;

Whereas, both the Armies of Heaven and the Armies of Hell having having ceased military operations against the Economic Hegemony of Authorities and against each other within the universe of man;

Having agreed therefore to a cessation of the state of war between the Economic Hegemony of Authorities and themselves, who have appointed dignitaries who, after representation of their full authority, found in good and due form, have agreed to the following:

Article one: The Economic Hegemony of Authorities shall have sole authority within the universe of man and the Armies of Heaven and the Armies of Hell will respect that authority. The Economic Hegemony of Authorities will respect the authority of Heaven and Hell in their respective universes.


Article three: The Armies of Heaven and the Armies of Hell shall take the necessary steps to remove members of their universes currently within the universe of man; and the Economic Hegemony of Authorities shall take the necessary steps to remove members of its universe currently within the universes of angel and devil. Angel, devil, and human shall not travel, reside, or otherwise appear in a universe other than their original universe without express consent of the powers recognized in Article One of this Treaty.


Article nine: The Economic Hegemony of Authorities shall have the right to enforce the provisions and articles of this Treaty in a manner consistent with its laws, traditions, and regulations so long as it does not violate any of the provisions and articles of this Treaty in the course of enforcement.

In other words, the PCs enforce the Treaty. They run around the Hegemony, arresting angels, devils, and their human sympathizers. What other game expects you to arrest an angel?

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