Monthly Archives: October 2013

Emotions, Opposites, and Dyads

Teilhard’s Agents explores the emotional underpinnings of politics. In the game, you can alter the emotions of entire cultural groups, thereby changing their stance on issues like abortion, taxation, capital punishment, and so on. But before we can explain how that works, we need to explain how we define emotions. We started with the Robert

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Persona/Shadow emotions

Since Teilhard’s Agents focuses on emotions and Jungian psychology, it only makes sense to include personas and shadows for the player-characters. Your persona is your public face; the mask you wear so other people will see you in a positive light. In this game, you pick one emotion as your persona: Trust, Happiness, Optimism, etc.

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Zombies in a Bundle

Ah, the bag of holding. A treasure from old school D&D, it was a sack connected to a pocket dimension. You could put a herd of elephants inside it and still looked like a little bag. Very useful but still not as cool as the Bundle of Holding. This gem is a collection of roleplaying

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It’s the technology

Teilhard’s Agents has two different takes on the traditional rpg attribute scene: It’s the technology and monsters roll on you. Today, we’ll focus on technology. In the game, you play a social scientist who has her mind uploaded into the noosphere, a dimension where emotions and archetypes are real creatures. Because of that, this game does

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Rolling up on you

Last time, we talked about character attributes based on the technology used to send a character’s consciousness into the noosphere. Alert readers will have noticed what looks like a flaw. (WARNING: Math and probability ahead!) Attributes are given die types (such as d6 or d10) and have a dyad that further explains what that attribute

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Who is this Teilhard guy?

Teilhard’s Agents is based somewhat on the work of the real Teilhard, so we thought a brief introduction is in order. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 – 1955) was a French philosopher, paleontologist, geologist, and Jesuit priest. Unlike some Christians, he embraced evolution and went so far as to suggest humanity (and the universe itself)

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Our next game: Teilhard’s Agents

Finally, we have something to announce: Work on a new rpg has begun. Teilhard’s Agents is a roleplaying game mixing elements of politics, emotion theory, Jungian psychology, Lacuna Pt. 1, and The Matrix. (Yes, all of that at once.) Set in the modern world, player-characters upload their minds into the noosphere, a realm where emotions

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